I am no longer employed at Pleasant Valley Day School, which is a HUGE blessing. I was only working Tues/Thurs from 8-2 but apparently my tolerance to stress is very, very low. My body didn't respond so well and I ended up on some medicine for anxiety. I resisted the medicine for several months, thinking I could overcome the problem myself. I finally resorted to the medicine after I realized I couldn't do it on my own. I feel tons better and am already weaning myself off the meds after only a month. As I said before, I also quit my job, which is what pushed me over the edge, in my opinion. That whole ordeal just confirms my decision to never go into the education field. For now I am keeping an 8 week-old three days a week. I love being at home every day again. I don't get a shower and get dressed until the baby and Chase are both napping at noon. My laundry is kept up with(mostly) and my house is slightly cleaner. The most important part is I am HAPPIER! Life is good. I thank God daily when I wake up happy in the morning(after coffee). We still have a crazy family schedule and life isn't always ideal but it's good because God blesses us EVERY DAY.
We've had a few big events in the last two months a some small developments too. No, I am not pregnant. Avery had a daddy/daughter dance at school in February. Oh she was so excited for days! She was a little put out that we didn't go pick out a new dress but her excitement for the big event superseded her disappointment over no new dress. She picked out Jared's tie and I straightened her hair with my CHI. It was a BIG deal.
Jared got her a wrist corsage and a single rose before they went. It was so precious.
Just Monday Hunter and Jared celebrated their birthdays. Hunter turned 8 and Jared, 31. I told Hunter, just as I told Avery for her birthday, that they could pick any restaurant they wanted to for their birthday dinner. Avery chose The Purple Cow for hers-AWESOME for everybody. Hunter, on the other hand, chose Play Time Pizza. Bleh! A promise is a promise so we went to Play Time Pizza for dinner Sunday night. Food-awful. Games-Chuck E. Cheese-like. The kids all had fun so and that was the ultimate goal. I guess we can sacrifice one night a year.
Happy Birthday, Boys!
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