I love this girl. She is the sweetest thing. She has her moments that make me a little nervous about having a pre-teen/teenager. But overall, she's precious. She loves to play "mommy" with her babies. Of course, clothes, shoes, hair accessories, jewelry and nail polish are also very high on her list. She is good about informing me if she approves of my day's outfit or not. I think she's gonna come in very handy in a few years as far as keeping me in style. It kind of overwhelms me at times to think that I am her example of how a woman should be. It scares me a little but it's worth it to have her as my little buddy. I think we're gonna have lots of fun together!
She's not crazy about t-ball but she is going to stick out the rest of the season. She does not care one bit about what goes on out there. She's too busy spinning in circles or playing in dirt to care what's going on. Maybe she just enjoys nature more than t-ball. I don't know. She is really cute in her hat though. (The picture of her in the black/pink dress is her pretending she has "boobies". Hmm...looks like there are two of us in this house that wish we had some.:)